During NHP’s long-awaited Senior Week, classrooms across the school introduced new teachers to assist students in various subjects. These teachers, however, were not qualified in the traditional sense. NHP’s student-teachers were seniors who had been taught by NHP’s educators years prior.
Many participating seniors at NHP remarked on how enjoyable the experience was. Some of the NHP student-teachers prepared fun activities to engage students during the last day before winter break started.
“Being a student-teacher for Mrs. Mei meant dealing with all sorts of things, such as kids, planning their day, and making class fun for us all,” senior Katelyn Vadakkan said. “At certain times, there were challenges, but other than that it was really fun!”
“I really enjoyed being a part of student-teacher day,” senior Lydia Jacob said. “Katelyn and I prepared a Spanish trivia game for Mrs. Mei’s class, and brought candy as a way for the students to enjoy their last day before break. It was fun and exciting to watch them race against each other for first place on the Gimkit we prepared while learning some fun facts while answering the questions.”
Other NHP seniors helped teach material to the students. This included content from multiple rigorous courses.
“I enjoyed my time teaching chemistry like Ms. Bansal does,” senior Ethan Ching said. “I even got to grade some multiple-choice questions, which was fun. Since I was in the students’ place not long ago, it made me feel like I’ve grown a lot in just a year.”
Some student-teachers tried their best to imitate the teaching styles of their former teachers.
“Being a staple of the NHP staff for the day was truly an awesome experience,” senior Alex Tomalski said. “As someone who had Mr. Rood as a teacher more than once, it’s been a personal honor to be in his shoes for a day. On the other hand, knocking back twelve Diet Cokes in a day wasn’t as pleasant as Mr. Rood makes it seem.”
Overall, student-teacher day was a tremendous success, and helped bring a memorable end to NHP’s senior week.