“A Minecraft Movie,” a live action film directed by Jared Hess, is set to premiere on April 4, 2025. Since the launch of the trailer two weeks ago, social media has erupted in posts and comments from fans raving about the film. However, some argue that this movie may not be all that people are hoping for. With one million dislikes on the official trailer, fans are worried their money will be wasted on poor entertainment surrounding a game they know and love.
Through various social media platforms such as Reddit, TikTok and Twitter, many have shared their thoughts on the film being live action and have expressed their opinion that Warner Bros. Pictures, the entertainment company responsible for the film, should have used full animation.
Many loyal fans of Minecraft have expressed their belief that this movie was a half-baked decision. Some have commented on the poor green screen and felt as though it is a dishonorable way of recognizing the 13 year old game in the film industry.
“The seven year old inside me is so excited for this movie and wants to give it the benefit of the doubt,” junior Louis Masi said. “I have my worries about the quality of the film if the whole budget was spent on trying to CGI a block looking cow.”
While many fans have turned to social media to express their anger and frustration with the movie, there are still large amounts of fans joyous to see their favorite game on the big screen. Although many social media posts and forums may express negative opinions, many look forward to seeing the movie even if it may not be the quality they would have imagined.
“Having ‘Ready Player One’ be the foundation of an example of a live action movie from a real videogame, I think a lot of kids are going to prefer the [‘Minecraft Movie’ in] live action rather than the animated,” Heroes Club advisor Mr. Gagnon said.
“I’m a little disappointed by the direction Mojang decided to take in this movie, but younger me would be really upset if that’s why I didn’t see it. I’m still really excited to see something I loved so much in a theater,” junior Leah DelOrbe said.
Theaters in April 2025 will be filled with both children and adults who spent time with the game and characters portrayed on the screen, whether or not they feel live action was the right choice for this film. Many who look forward to seeing the movie will be able to relive their early years of gaming. However, until then, the trailer will continue to receive views with comments, both positive and negative, flooding social media platforms.